Az új állomás Győr-Moson-Sopron megyében található, kitűnő elhelyezkedésű, az M1 autópálya szomszédságában, közel az osztrák és szlovák határátkelőkhöz.

Truck on map indicating different locations
Shell station

Itt minden a kamionosokról szól!

Title:  {Üdvözöljük a Shell Mosonmagyaróváron! Welcome at Shell Mosonmagyaróvár!}

Duration: {0:53} minutes


{Megnyitottuk legújabb kamionos töltőállomásunkat 3,5 tonna feletti tehergépjárművek számára Mosonmagyaróváron! New Shell trailer-truck quick-service station opened in Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary. Modern and safe refuelling for trucks over 3.5 tonnes!}

{Welcome to Mosonmagyaróvár Bine ați venit la Mosonmagyaróvár Üdvözöljük a Shell Mosonmagyaróváron!

[Background music plays]


[Animated sequence]

{As we open the video we see the Shell canopy from the top of the site that zooms out to show the new filling station from above.}

[Text displays]

{Welcome to Mosonmagyaróvár – appears in three different languages: Üdvözöljük a Shell Mosonmagyaróváron; Bine ați venit la Shell Mosomagyaróvár - spinning above a thin red line, in the background we can still see the station from above}

[Animated sequence]

{The camera approaches the station, then speeds up and slides though the two lanes in the middle, then stops at a picture, where two men are holding a yellow ribbon from the ends, and in the middle a man and a woman are pointing scissors towards the same ribbon to cut it.

{Visual transition/change, e.g., Split screen, video footage, etc.}

{The direction of the camera - as zooming in and crossing between the lanes – is showed by a highlighted yellow triple arrow pulsating from the bottom-middle of the screen for few seconds, then disappears.}

[Animated sequence]

{The people in the picture from the left to right are: solt Volyánszki, Sales Manager of the CRT Business Unit of Shell Hungary zRt.; Dr. István Árvay, the Mayor of Mosonmagyaróvár; Andrea Istenesné Solti, Chairman of the Board of Shell Hungary zRt., and András Bors, Regional Business Development Manager of Shell Hungary zRt.}

[Animated sequence]

{We jump into another sequence, showing a young female on the right and a young, but taller male, on the left, happily smiling at each-other, approaching their glasses of champagne. In the background we can see other people standing and chatting with each-other, in the distance we see trucks parking and moving.

The footage then jumps suddenly inside, as we see roll-ups and painted walls in the background, central there are three people, a young woman smiling at the camera, with folded hands, near her on the right another woman with eyeglasses, holding a thumbs-up to the camera with her left hand: and a man a bit leaned closer to the camera, with his hands in pockets, smiling. Then, the woman on the left also holds her right thumbs-up. We can feel that the atmosphere is very good from their facial expressions.

The image switched to a map: in the middle of the screen we see the Shell logo, in the background a colourful map sequence, where on the right we see Slovakia, just above Hungary, on the left Slovenia and above Austria are visible - in the middle still the pecten, that becomes smaller and smaller, and finally pins itself right where the station was built up, and the address appears with red }

[Text displays]

{9200, Mosonmagyaróvár, Jánossomorjai út 1.}

{Visual transition/change, e.g., Split screen, video footage, etc.}

{We jump to another image, the Shell fuel site from above, at an angle that we see the end f the pumps and in from the big cement truck-stoppers painted nicely in yellow with black lines.}

[Text displays]

{Near the


border – on the top left of the screen.

on the right from the bottom of screen:

500m from

M1 motorway}

[Animated sequence]

{As the camera slightly rotates to the right of the site, the image changes, and we see a grey truck entering to the pump. The truck’s direction of driving is supported by a yellow triple arrow pulsating from the right to left then disappears, as the image changes, and we are facing the truck, that is slowly rolling into the refuelling station}

{Visual transition/change, e.g., Split screen, video footage, etc.}

{at the bottom of the screen, a movie-frame slides up, covering half of the truck and containing three additional images, in the middle we see a white board on which the Shell Truck Diesel words are written in red, and on both sides’ pictures of the pump.}

[Text displays]

{4 High Speed diesel lanes

with satellite pumps}

[Animated sequence]

{We see the above images from closer this time}

[Text displays]

{+AdBlue refueling

in the same time}

[Animated sequence]

{We see a hand of a truck driver man inserting a Shell card into the token and holding some pair of gloves in the other hand.}

{Visual transition/change, e.g., Split screen, video footage, etc.}

{a yellow triple arrow from right to left pointing at the card appears and then disappears}

[Text displays]

{Payment with Shell Fuel Card}

[Animated sequence]

{We see the man paying with the card. In the background and close to him there are other people wearing visibility vests walking around and talking to each other}

{Visual transition/change, e.g., Split screen, video footage, etc.}

{as the image changes, everything gets a red colour transition in the back, while in front, a movie-frame slides up, now in the middle of the screen, with two additional images with the driver in red top and black baseball cap, unscrewing the tank fuel cap.

From here we jump directly to the refueling pistol that is inserted into the truck’s container, and on the pistol, we see the Shell logo again.}

[Text displays]

{Unmanned solution}

{24/7 opening hours}

[Animated sequence]

{We see again the site from above, this time the close surroundings of the Shell site are also visible. Everywhere there are trucks parking or moving around}

[Text displays]

{trailer-truck parking}

[Animated sequence]

{We jump inside into the restaurant now, where people are sitting near tables, or standing nearby and talking at each other. We see a man dressed in a blue suit, with light coloured hair, doing some magic tricks for the audience that sits in the restaurant.}

[Text displays]

{spacious restaurant}

[Animated sequence]

{We jump again outside, and see the site from above, and in front of it there are lots of people now, all with yellow visibility vests, looking up right in the camera above and waving.

The image changes and we see the top of the gas station from above. As the camera zooms in, the Shell canopy comes closer and closer}

[Background music plays]


[Text displays]

{Shell Commercial Road Transport}

{Visual transition/change, e.g., Split screen, video footage, etc.}

{ the last picture is the Shell logo itself in the middle of the screen }


  • Gyorsbenzinkút, szetellit diesel kétoldalas tankolási lehetőséggel
  • Automata / kezelőszemélyzet nélkül is működő üzemanyagtöltő állomás
  • 3,5 tonna súly fölötti tehergépjárműveknek
  • + egyidejű AdBlue vételezési lehetőség
  • Nagynyomású kútfejek, akár 7-10 perc alatti teli tankolás
  • Az állomás 7/24, 0-24 nyitvatartással működik
  • Felmerülő kérdés/segítségkérés esetén van a helyszínen hozzáértő személyzet
  • Maximális biztonság, állandó kamerás felügyelet
  • Nagy férőhelyes kamionos parkoló
  • Tiszta mosdók és tágas étterem
  • Kizárólag Shell Kártyás fizetés lehetséges 

+ Nyitási akció*

Legyen a vendégünk egy csésze magyaros, meleg levesre!

Food with truck on the side indication shell card benefits

Tankoljon legalább 500 liter üzemanyagot, fizessen Shell kártyájával, és mi vendégül látjuk egy csésze meleg levesre!
Bakonyi betyárleves, gulyásleves, babgulyás leves.
Ön melyiket választja?

*Az ajánlat a Shell Hungary Zrt. ajánlata, és 2022. február 10-től visszavonásig érvényes, az M-Oil Autohof Étteremben (9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Jánossomorjai út 1.), a Shell töltőállomáson történő, 500 litert meghaladó tankolás esetén. Az akció visszavonásig érvényes!

Ajánlott tartalom

A Shell V-power Utazásról Utazásra Segít Megújítani Motorja Teljesítményét!¹

A Shellnél olyan egyedi üzemanyag-formulákat fejlesztünk, amelyek a vezetés élményét jobbá, vásárlóinkat pedig magabiztosabbá teszik az utakon. Ismerje meg a továbbfejlesztett Shell V-Power üzemanyagokat, melyek akár 100%-ban megtisztítják a kulcsfontosságú motoralkatrészeket a teljesítménycsökkentő lerakódásoktól.1

Shell normál üzemanyagok

Bármerre is visz az útja, válassza a Shell üzemanyagát!